Video interview: MARQUES Chair Uwe Over

During the MARQUES Annual Conference in Vienna, Managing IP's James Nurton conducted a wide-ranging interview with Uwe Over of Henkel, who became MARQUES Chair earlier this year
Q1. What is MARQUES response to the recently agreed EU trade mark reforms?
Q2. How well do you think the CTM system is working?
Q3. What would you like to see from the OHIM strategic plan?
Q4. How is the trade mark environment improving worldwide?
Q5. What issues are of most concern to MARQUES members?
Q6. What initiatives do you have for the rest of your term?
Q7. Can you tell us about your role at Henkel?
Q8. What does being MARQUES Chair involve?
MARQUES takes part in 7th China Trademark Festival

Sebastien Vitali of Wyeth Nutrition, a member of the MARQUES China Team, gave a presentation at the 7th China Trademark Festival in Haikou last month
Interview: Lewis Gaze Memorial Scholarship winner

Konstantin Hobel won this year's Lewis Gaze Memorial Scholarship for his paper on keyword advertising and trade marks in the EU
Design Liaison Meeting at OHIM
Reform of the EU trade mark system

David Stone and Sebastian Fischoeder of the MARQUES Designs Team attended the recent Designs Liaison Meeting hosted by OHIM in Alicante

Expected changes to OHIM practice as a result of the planned reforms to the Directive and Regulation were discussed at the 14th Liaison Meeting on Trade Marks, which was attended by Robert Guthrie and Alessandra Romeo
Madrid System: latest news
Recent developments in the Madrid System include changes following the accession of Algeria, an upcoming seminar and a meeting of the Madrid Working Group
Extending GI protection to non-agricultural products

Miguel Angel Medina, of the MARQUES GI Team, discusses the recent developments regarding the possible extension of geographical indication protection to non-agricultural products in the EU
WIPO hosts Hague Seminar
Sign up now for judges meetings in the Netherlands and Germany!
In this landmark year for the Hague System, WIPO is hosting a seminar on practical approaches in Geneva on 19th November
The next Judges Meetings take place in The Hague (11th November) and Munich (20th November)
MARQUES Media Roundup

Find out the latest MARQUES news and information on the Class 46 and Class 99 blogs, and on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Here's a selection of what's been happening in the past month