Coexistence agreement workshop held in Sofia
The latest MARQUES Coexistence Agreement Workshop was held on 1st February at the BW Premier Collection City Hotel in Sofia, Bulgaria
EUIPO Observatory – recent activities and Working Programme for 2017
Kristina Edén Johnsen of the MARQUES ACPT Team provides an update on the work of the EUIPO Observatory
Second anti-scam (anti-fraud) network meeting
Get guidance on your EUIPO online application
EUIPO is hosting the second meeting of the Anti-Scam (formerly Anti-Fraud) Network on 28th February
Members of the EUIPO Information Centre can now guide users through the online process when applying for an EU trade mark
Switzerland implements CP5 Common Practice
Looking ahead to TM5/ID5 2017 meetings
The Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property (IPI) has implemented the CP5 Common Practice of Relative Grounds of Refusal – Likelihood of Confusion (Impact of non-distinctive/weak components).
The dates for the TM5 and ID5 annual and mid-term meetings, which will be hosted by EUIPO, have been announced
At the annual meetings hosted by SAIC and SIPO last year, it was agreed that EUIPO would be the TM5/ID5 secretariat in 2017 and the host office for the meetings. TM5 and ID5 bring together the offices of China, the EU, Japan, Korea and the United States to cooperate on trade mark and design matters. The 2017 mid-term meeting will take place during the INTA Annual Meeting in Barcelona in May, while the ID5 mid-term meeting will take place at EUIPO in Alicante on 26th June. The annual meetings will take place in Alicante from 30th November to 1st December (TM5) and 4th to 5th December (ID5). EUIPO has announced: “The TM5 and ID5 forums contribute to our shared goal and vision of creating a User-driven Intellectual Property Network. For this reason the User Associations will be invited to participate in the User Sessions. The invitation letters will follow in due course. For further information, please consult TM5 website and the provisional ID5 website.” Information about last year’s ID5 annual meeting was included in HouseMARQUES December 2016.
Sign up for the Luxury Brands Symposium!
There are only a few weeks to go until the second MARQUES Luxury Brands Symposium, to be held in Hong Kong on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th March
EUIPO Academy Tuesday webinars
MARQUES Media Roundup
Webinars, which last from 30 to 60 minutes, take place every Tuesday - here are the timings and topics planned for March
Where do you find the latest trade mark, design and related legal news? The MARQUES Class 46 and Class 99 blogs of course!