Highlights from the Annual Conference in Prague
Nearly 800 people attended the 31st MARQUES Annual Conference in Prague in September, where the theme was Brands and Culture
The programme included panel sessions on cultural trends in brands; censored marks; cultural differences in trade mark enforcement; non-trade mark protection of corporate identity and advertising; and brand life cycles.
There were also updates on the EUTM reforms and on the Hague System, a discussion of the latest CJEU cases and five workshops. During the Conference, the David Goldring Volunteer Award and Lewis Gaze Memorial Scholarships were presented. On Wednesday night, there was a Cultural Reception at the Zofín Palace, and on Thursday the Gala Dinner was held at the Industrial Palace. There were also excursions on the Thursday afternoon. During the day on Tuesday, there was a Leadership Meeting followed by Team meetings. We will share more information about Team activities in future issues of HouseMARQUES. Read the daily updates from the Conference, as well as reports on the workshops, on the Class 46 and Class 99 blogs. More resources from the Annual Conference, including presentations, photos and videos, will be available soon.
Are you ready for EUTM reforms?
Among the changes coming into effect on 1st October are the abolition of the graphical representation requirement and the introduction of the EU certification mark
MARQUES takes part in China Trademark Festival
Members of MARQUES, including Chair Dr Gregor Versondert, took part in a Sub-Forum organised by MARQUES at the China Trademark Festival 2017 in Guilin, Guanxi on 3rd September
Meet trade mark judges in London, Munich and Lisbon
There will be three Meet the Judges events between now and the end of 2017, as well as an IP legal update seminar in China. These events are always highly popular so book your place soon
Latest news on convergence projects
The deadline to respond to the questionnaires on convergence has been extended, and a new convergence project on designs is to be discussed
CJEU addresses TMs and PDOs in Port Charlotte judgment
Paulo Monteverde of the MARQUES Geographical Indications Team reports on last month’s interesting decision from the CJEU in the Port Charlotte case
Latest news and events at WIPO
WIPO is hosting an advanced workshop on domain name dispute resolution in October, and has a programme of webinars on the Madrid System
MARQUES Media Roundup
Volunteer award for Jeremy Phillips
Keep up to date with MARQUES throughout the month by getting updates from our blogs, Class 46 and Class 99, and on social media
Class 46 founder and Social Media Coordinator Jeremy Phillips received the David Goldring Volunteer Award at the Annual Conference, as he retires from his MARQUES roles