MARQUES hosts CTA delegation in Netherlands and UK

MARQUES welcomed a delegation of representatives of the China Trademark Association to Europe for a week in June
Hague Agreement seminar in London

The latest in the series of events on Mastering The Hague Agreement was held in London on 18 June, just a few days after the UK joined the Hague System
Judges Meeting in Belgrade

The first MARQUES meeting with judges and other trade mark experts in Serbia took place on 31 May at the Office for Intellectual Property, and was attended by about 40 people
Meet the Judges in Stockholm
MARQUES comments on EU copyright reform
The next MARQUES talk with trade mark judges will take place in Stockholm on Wednesday 10 October 2018
Members of the MARQUES Copyright Team co-authored an article in World Intellectual Property Review on the EU copyright reform package, which was recently published
Swedish scamming decision now final

The Supreme Court of Sweden (Högsta domstolen) has refused leave to appeal against the Svea Court of Appeal’s judgment in the scam invoices case
MoU signed at Blockathon

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on online advertising was signed during the EU Blockathon, which was held in Brussels in June
Synthesis report published for World AntiCounterfeiting Day
The European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights has published a Synthesis Report on IP Infringement to mark World AntiCounterfeiting Day 2018
Latest design news from WIPO and EUIPO
MARQUES Media Roundup
The Hague Agreement entered into force in the UK on 13 June 2018, while Montenegro has joined Designview
MARQUES members and others rely on the Class 46 and Class 99 blogs and social media channels for the latest news and analysis of trade mark and design developments. New contributors are welcome!
Following ratification of the 1999 Act on 13 March, users of the Hague System can now designate the UK in an international design application. There are now 68 contracting parties to the Hague Agreement, with more expected to be added in the next year. In other design news, EUIPO has announced that Montenegro has joined Designview. Designview now has data from 65 participating IP offices covering 13.6 million designs.