Showing posts with tag Keyword advertising.
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Poland: metatags in Polish case-law
Tags: adwords, metatags, Keyword advertising, Google, unfair competition, trade mark use
Posted By: Tomasz Rychlicki
Posted on 08/10/2009 @ 19.42
Fourth question passed to the ECJ on sponsored links and trade mark use ("Bananabay" case)
Tags: adwords, ECJ reference for preliminary ruling, Keyword advertising
Posted By: Frédéric Glaize
Posted on 15/05/2009 @ 10.03
Online advertising & Keywords update Italy.
Tags: Keyword advertising
Posted By: Daniella Ampollini
Posted on 12/05/2009 @ 09.29
ECJ (finally) queried on trade marks use and sponsored links
Tags: adwords, court decision, ECJ, France, Google, Keyword advertising, trade mark use
Posted By: Frédéric Glaize
Posted on 21/05/2008 @ 23.48
Germany: OLG Frankfurt decides "Adword" case
Tags: adwords, German trade marks, Google, Keyword advertising, OLG Frankfurt/M.
Posted By: Birgit Clark
Posted on 12/03/2008 @ 06.51
Keyword advertising: Google held liable by French court
Tags: court decision, Domain names, France, Keyword advertising, Trade Mark
Posted By: Frédéric Glaize
Posted on 01/01/2008 @ 00.17