Showing posts with tag geographical indication.
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Worldwide Symposium on GIs: day 2
Tags: geographical indications, WIPO, Georgia
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 16/06/2023 @ 09.56
Worldwide Symposium on GIs: day 1
Tags: geographical indications, WIPO, Georgia
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 15/06/2023 @ 16.52
GIs for crafts come one step closer
Tags: GI, geographical indication, Marion Walsmann
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 01/03/2023 @ 08.08
An introduction to GIs
Tags: geographical indications, GIview, Eleonora Rosati, EUIPO
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 29/06/2022 @ 10.05
Strengthening geographical indications event
Tags: GI, geographical indications, European Commission
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 16/11/2020 @ 11.54
EU-China Agreement on Cooperation on, and Protection of, GIs
Tags: GI, China, geographical indication
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 29/09/2020 @ 11.58
EU-China Agreement opens a new era for GI protection
Tags: GI, China, geographical indication
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 30/07/2020 @ 08.22
EU-China agreement on geographical indications
Tags: GI, China, geographical indication
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 12/11/2019 @ 09.54
Scottish Glens, German Whisky and the question: Are you befuddled?
Tags: Glen Buchenbach, whisky, geographical indication, Scotch Whisky Association, CJEU
Posted By: Anthonia Ghalamkarizadeh
Posted on 07/06/2018 @ 15.42
European Commission paper on IP rights and Brexit
Tags: Brexit, European Commission, EUTM, RCD, geographical indications
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 08/09/2017 @ 08.34