Showing posts with tag design infringement.
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International design infringement and domicile: three more questions for the CJEU
Tags: CJEU reference, design infringement, jurisdiction, domicile
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 25/02/2016 @ 16.24
Wheeltrim: why design law is different from trade mark law
Tags: CJEU order, design infringement, trade marks
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 03/11/2015 @ 19.18
Trunki: a case about cases heads for the Supreme Court
Tags: design infringement
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 22/12/2014 @ 17.28
Design crime: back to the future or forwards to the past?
Tags: article, criminal design infringement
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 01/12/2014 @ 02.55
BeoVision(ary) ruling in The Hague
Tags: copyright infringement, cross-border jurisdiction, design infringement, interim injunctive relief, netherlands
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 27/08/2013 @ 17.15
The IP Bill - crouching judge, lurking professor
Tags: criminal, criminalisation of design infringement, house of lords, legislation, registered design, uk, UK Unregistered Design Right
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 15/06/2013 @ 11.50
IP Bill Seminar - 7th June, London
Tags: CIPA, criminal, criminalisation of design infringement, IP Bill, ITMA, legislation, seminar, uk
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 14/05/2013 @ 15.28
The UK Intellectual Property Bill 2013 is here!
Tags: criminal, criminalisation of design infringement, design, legislation, patent, uk
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 10/05/2013 @ 13.13
Flat-screen design infringement fails -- not with a Bang but a whimper
Tags: copyright infringement, cross-border jurisdiction, design infringement, interim injunctive relief, netherlands
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 31/01/2013 @ 11.09
Not an Applogie ...
Tags: Apple v Samsung tablet war, declaration of non-infringement, design infringement, uk
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 05/11/2012 @ 11.59