Showing posts with tag international design.
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New self-service functions in eHague
Tags: eHague, WIPO, international design
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 11/04/2022 @ 10.33
UK IPO creates re-registered designs for International (EU) designs
Tags: Brexit, international designs, EU
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 25/02/2021 @ 14.36
Russia Liberalises Law to Acceed to International Agreements
Tags: Russia, Hague Agreement, International Designs
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 26/04/2017 @ 15.48
(The other) Korea now accessible via Hague
Tags: korea, hague, international design, wipo
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 03/07/2014 @ 16.00
Hague clears hurdles in US
Tags: america, hague, Hague accessions, hague agreement, international designs, USA
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 05/12/2012 @ 16.23
Invalidity of international design registrations: OHIM speaks
Tags: international designs, Invalidity
Posted By: Blog Administrator
Posted on 26/09/2011 @ 17.59
Norway to join Hague?
Tags: hague, international designs, norway
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 27/01/2010 @ 14.53
Germany joins Geneva Act
Tags: geneva act, germany, hague, international designs, spare parts, WIPO Magazine
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 07/01/2010 @ 13.57
WIPO Design stats
Tags: hague, international design, statistics
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 26/09/2009 @ 18.06
RIP London Act, Floreat Hague
Tags: hague, international design
Posted By: David Musker
Posted on 25/09/2009 @ 20.10