Issue 090
  June 2018

MARQUES hosts CTA delegation in Netherlands and UK


Hague Agreement seminar in London


Judges Meeting in Belgrade


Meet the Judges in Stockholm


MARQUES comments on EU copyright reform


Swedish scamming decision now final


MoU signed at Blockathon


Synthesis report published for World AntiCounterfeiting Day


Latest design news from WIPO and EUIPO


MARQUES Media Roundup

The views expressed by contributors to this newsletter are their own and do not necessarily reflect the policy and/or opinions of MARQUES and/or its membership.  Information is published only as a guide and not as a comprehensive authority on any of the subjects covered.  While every effort has been made to ensure the information given is accurate and not misleading neither MARQUES nor the contributors can accept any responsibility for any loss or liability perceived to have arisen from the use or application of any such information or for errors and omissions.  Readers are strongly advised to follow up articles of interest with quoted sources and specialist advisors.

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MARQUES hosts CTA delegation in Netherlands and UK



MARQUES welcomed a delegation of representatives of the China Trademark Association to Europe for a week in June

Hague Agreement seminar in London



The latest in the series of events on Mastering The Hague Agreement was held in London on 18 June, just a few days after the UK joined the Hague System

Judges Meeting in Belgrade



The first MARQUES meeting with judges and other trade mark experts in Serbia took place on 31 May at the Office for Intellectual Property, and was attended by about 40 people


Meet the Judges in Stockholm


MARQUES comments on EU copyright reform

The next MARQUES talk with trade mark judges will take place in Stockholm on Wednesday 10 October 2018


Members of the MARQUES Copyright Team co-authored an article in World Intellectual Property Review on the EU copyright reform package, which was recently published

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Swedish scamming decision now final



The Supreme Court of Sweden (Högsta domstolen) has refused leave to appeal against the Svea Court of Appeal’s judgment in the scam invoices case

MoU signed at Blockathon



A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on online advertising was signed during the EU Blockathon, which was held in Brussels in June

Synthesis report published for World AntiCounterfeiting Day

The European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights has published a Synthesis Report on IP Infringement to mark World AntiCounterfeiting Day 2018


Latest design news from WIPO and EUIPO


MARQUES Media Roundup

The Hague Agreement entered into force in the UK on 13 June 2018, while Montenegro has joined Designview


MARQUES members and others rely on the Class 46 and Class 99 blogs and social media channels for the latest news and analysis of trade mark and design developments. New contributors are welcome!

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