MARQUES Month details confirmed
MARQUES will host a series of online educational and networking events during September 2020, which will be available to members and non-members
Virtual Round Table: Brands in a Time of Crisis
MARQUES held a virtual round table on 25 June looking at how brands respond to crises/social actions such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement
MARQUES Brands, LGBT and Gender Survey
Warning over scam WIPO invoice
The MARQUES IP Emerging Issues Team invite you to undertake a short survey entitled 'Brands, LGBT and Gender'
A particularly egregious example of a scam invoice has been received by a MARQUES member
Latest information on Brexit
Roland Mallinson of the MARQUES Brexit Task Force provides an update on the latest developments
Recent CJEU and General Court decisions
There have been a lot of judgments concerning trade marks, copyright and designs this month
Observatory publishes anti-counterfeiting reports
The Observatory of the European Union has published two reports as part of a pan-European media campaign to fight counterfeiting and piracy
News from EUIPO
International design developments
The latest information from EUIPO includes the recent User Group meeting, draft Guidelines (2020 edition), Board of Appeal hearings and cooperation with EURid
Mexico has joined the Hague System, and Israel has joined the WIPO DAS for designs
The third online session of the EUIPO User Group meeting was held on 9 June, with 20 representatives from 14 user associations taking part. MARQUES was represented by External Relations Officer Alessandra Romeo and Riccardo Fecchio, Co-Vice-Chair of the European Trade Mark Law and Practice Team. The draft Guidelines (2020 edition) are available online for review and suggestions. Comments can be submitted by 15 September 2020 using the online feedback form. More information is available here. The Presidium of the Boards of Appeal has published Decision 2020-2 concerning oral proceedings held by videoconference. The competent Board may elect to hold proceedings in-person or by videoconference and the Decision sets out various aspects of the procedure. EUIPO and EURid are intensifying their collaboration, in particular by exploring the possibility of implementing a reciprocal process when a .eu domain name is registered, allowing holders to see if a trade mark with a similar name is available at the EUIPO. They are also working on a common study on application behaviour, to see whether trade marks or domain names are registered first. More details are here.
Thank you for your Coffee Break submissions!
MARQUES wants to thank all the members who sent in news, tips and photos for the MARQUES Virtual Coffee Break initiative during the past three months
Forthcoming events
MARQUES Media Roundup
The Second Session of WIPO’s Conversation on IP and AI will take place as a virtual meeting from 7 to 9 July
Keep up to date with the latest trade mark and design news, book reviews, event coverage and MARQUES announcements on the Class 46 and Class 99 blogs