MARQUES Corporate Meetings in 2021

MARQUES is planning to host four dedicated sessions for corporate members next year. These are by invitation only, and full details will be sent out to corporate members soon.
Madrid Working Group meeting

The MARQUES International Trademark Law and Practice Team, represented by Tove Graulund, Gavin Stenton and Jessica Le Gros, participated in the (postponed) Madrid Working Group meeting in October
Brexit guidance updated
Roland Mallinson, Chair of the MARQUES Brexit Task Force, has a round up of the latest UK and EUIPO publications relating to the impact of Brexit on trade marks and designs.
Observatory publishes survey and discussion paper
The EUIPO Observatory, in collaboration with the Council of the European Union's Customs Cooperation Working Party and Europol, has conducted a survey on cases of counterfeit labels and packaging materials. The Observatory has also published a discussion paper on IP infringement and enforcement
Report on IP right bundles
The European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights has published a new study on firms' simultaneous use of patents, trade marks and registered designs to protect their innovation.
User Group Meeting at EUIPO
WIPO publishes Creative Economy Notes

MARQUES took part in the 29th User Group Meeting hosted by EUIPO in two sessions on 14 and 28 October
Batman, Dracula and Spiderman are the top three most-used franchise characters from movies and video games in the world's biggest media market over the past four decades, according to the first instalment of a new series of "Creative Economy Notes"
Consultation on protection and enforcement of IP rights
The MARQUES Anti-Counterfeiting and Parallel Trade Team reports on the latest survey on IPR protection and enforcement in third countries launched by the European Commission
CJEU case update
The Court of Justice of the EU has given judgments in three cases concerning colour combinations, whether the sale of spare parts and services constitutes genuine use of a mark, and the application to register the MESSI trade mark
Madrid Protocol tips in Canada
Shannon Young and Sanjukta Tole discuss developments regarding the Madrid Protocol in a new post for the Class 46 blog
Coming soon from MARQUES
MARQUES Media Roundup
MARUES is planning to launch new educational and networking resources for members in the next few months
Do you read the MARQUES blogs? Would you like to contribute to them to share news about trade mark and design developments with other MARQUES members?
Among these are more frequent written and video updates from the Teams, educational sessions and podcasts covering relevant issues for MARQUES members. More details are due to be announced during November. Look out for emails from MARQUES, or check the MARQUES media channels, to keep up to date.