Design Law Treaty
WIPO member states approved the convening of a diplomatic conference for an agreement on the protection of designs to ease cross border trade.
During its annual meeting in Geneva in July, the WIPO General Assembly decided to move to a diplomatic conference no later than 2024.
The treaty is likely to be similar to the Patent Law Treaty, Trademark Law Treaty and Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks. Read more on the Class 99 blog.
The UK IPO has joined WIPO's Global Brand Database, adding about 3 million registered UK trade marks.
The Database now comprises more than 50 million records from 71 national and international collections. More information on Class 46 here.
WIPO Global Awards
Five SMEs from China, Japan, the Netherlands and Singapore were the winners of the first Global Awards recognising exceptional enterprises and individuals using IP to make a positive impact at home and abroad. The winners were chosen from 272 submissions by a group of seven jurors. More information about all of the winning companies is on WIPO's website.
The photo shows members of the winning companies (WIPO/Berrod)