Talking MARQUES podcast: EUIPO Observatory
The latest episode of the Talking MARQUES podcast focuses on the work of the European Observatory on infringements of Intellectual Property Rights
MARQUES intervenes in EUTM colour combination case
MARQUES has filed an amicus brief in support of OMV Aktiengesellschaft in a case concerning the registration of a colour combination as an EU trade mark
Update on development of the Madrid System
Manuela Bruscolini of the MARQUES International Trade Mark Law and Practice Team has written a paper on how the Madrid System is evolving to meet the needs of members and be more flexible and effective
The paper is available to download on the Team’s website here (MARQUES log-in required). Each year, the Madrid System Working Group meets in Geneva. MARQUES plays an active role in these meetings given its observer status at WIPO. The next meeting is from 7 to 11 October 2024. Since a Road Map for improvements was adopted several years ago, there have been discussions on core issues: replacement, transformation, new types of marks, limitations, a harmonized time limit to reply to provisional refusals, a possible reduction of the dependency period and corrections. The paper summarises the latest plans in the following areas: - Minimum time limits for holders to respond to provisional results: entered into force on 1 November 2023
- Simplification of schedule of fees
- Additional languages: specifically the addition of Arabic, Chinese and Russian: the Secretariat is preparing detailed documents for the next session
- Reduction of dependency period: there is a discussion on reducing this from five to three years – but this would need to be agreed at a Diplomatic Conference
- Practical functioning of the Madrid System – including examination practices of the International Bureau; declarations by member offices – exclusion of subsequent designations; and individual fees payable in two parts
- Process improvements – including opposition procedures, use of the mark in commerce, scope of protection of designations; and training.
The MARQUES International Trade Mark Law and Practice Team will continue to monitor developments and provide input at the next Working Group meeting. If you would like to know more about this topic, or have any input for the Team, please contact Manuela Bruscolini or another Team member.
Annual Conference sold out!
The MARQUES Annual Conference in Stockholm is now sold out, with nearly 1,000 registrations
EUIPO news: reorganisation, Alicante News and GI conference
WIPO updates on Madrid and Hague
Recent announcements from EUIPO cover an internal reorganisation, the latest issue of the Alicante News newsletter and a conference on GIs to take place next year
Recent news includes a new member of the Hague System, a new Madrid case study and a series of webinars on the Madrid System
Recent trade mark and design cases
HouseMARQUES provides summaries of recent EU General Court judgments in EU trade mark and registered Community design cases
From the Observatory …
Members of the MARQUES Anti-Counterfeiting and Parallel Trade Team provide their regular monthly update on the activities of the Observatory
Mark your calendars!
MARQUES Media Roundup
The next Luxury Brands Symposium will take place in Vienna, Austria from 7 to 8 November this year
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