Judges questioned in London
The annual Question the IP Judges event took place at UCL in London on 18 October. Hosted jointly by UCL-IBIL and MARQUES, it again provided perspectives on a range of IP issues from four judges – each of whom brought different experiences and views.
CTA forum at MARQUES Annual Conference
Between 18 September 2018 and 21 September 2018, at the invitation of MARQUES, Mr MA Fu, the Chairman of the China Trademark Association (CTA), led a delegation to attend the 32nd MARQUES Annual Conference in Paris. Julia Zhong reports.
Judges Meeting in Sweden
The latest Judges Meeting in Sweden was held on 10 October in Stockholm.
First EU Judges Meeting: booking now open!
MARQUES is hosting its first EU Judges Meeting in Amsterdam on 18 January 2019.
Team Chair and Vice Chair elections
Finnish Judges Meeting - last chance to book
MARQUES Team members are reminded that they have until 16 November to apply to be Chair or Vice Chair of their Team.
The Finnish Judges Meeting will take place on 26 November 2018 in Helsinki.
MARQUES takes part in SQAP
EUIPO Guidelines on RCDs
EUIPO hosted the Stakeholder Quality Assurance Panels (SQAP) in Alicante from 3 to 5 October.
The new Guidelines for Examination of Registered Community Designs at the EUIPO were published on 1 October.
Recent publications from EUIPO
EUIPO has published a number of reports in the past few months which can be downloaded. There are also lots of webinars planned for November.
Latest treaty notifications from WIPO
MARQUES Media Roundup
WIPO has recently published information on the Madrid Protocol, Lisbon Agreement and Hague Agreement.

Follow the MARQUES blogs and social media for all the latest news and comment on trade mark, design and related developments in Europe.
Accession to the Madrid Protocol: Malawi deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol on 25 September 2018. The Protocol will enter into effect on 25 December 2018. More details in Information Notice No. 18/2018. Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration: Côte d'Ivoire acceded to the Lisbon Agreement on 28 September 2018. More details in Lisbon Notification No. 36. Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs: The Netherlands deposited its instrument of accession to the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement on 18 September 2018. As Belgium and Luxembourg had already done so, the Geneva Act will enter into force with respect to the Benelux countries on 18 December 2018. Information is in Hague Notification No. 135.