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Third Session of WIPO Conversation on IP and AI
The third session of the WIPO Conversation on IP and Artificial Intelligence will take place on 4 November from 10:00 to 16:00 Geneva time, and will include a discussion about AI and trade marks
There will be three sessions during the day covering:
- Definitions
- Trademarks
- Capacity Building and Accountability for Decisions in IP Administration
You can register to participate in the session online here. More information about the meeting, including the provisional agenda and procedures, is available here in the five WIPO languages.
Representatives of WIPO member states can also participate onsite.
The Conversation on IP and AI is a continuing project by WIPO to look at the impact of artificial intelligence on IP policy. A revised issues paper on the topic was published earlier this year.
The second session of the Conversation was held from 7 to 9 July this year.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 15.19Tags: WIPO, AI, trademarks,
