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EUTM applications grow by 2.7%
In 2024, EUIPO received 180,451 EU trade mark applications, a 2.7% increase compared to 2023, according to data published by EUIPO Director João Negrão.
57% of the applications came from the EU, with German companies accounting for 12% of EUTM applications, followed by Italy (7.6%), Spain (6.7%), France (4.8%) and Poland (3.9%).
China accounted for more than 15% of filings and increased by 16% over 2023. Other large non-EU filing countries included the USA (9.4%), the UK (4.4%) and Switzerland (2.2%).
The top 10 Nice classes were present in about 53% of EUTM filings, with class 35 (Advertising, Business Management, class 9 (Electrical Apparatus) and class 42 (Technological Services) the most frequently occurring classes. Among the top 10 classes, class 5 (Pharmaceutical Preparations) had the highest growth in 2024, up more than 5% over 2023.
The number of opposition decisions taken by EUIPO declined by 6.4% in 2024, while cancellation decisions rose by 7.9%.
“This is a reflection of efforts made to reduce the stock of pending opposition decisions, allowing the examiners to focus on clearing the pending cancellation proceedings. Also, the Office is making an active effort to encourage parties to such proceedings to look for amicable settlements, including making use of EUIPO’s Mediation Centre,” said Mr Negrão.
The number of appeal decisions rose by 1.1% in 2024.
The SME Fund received close to 32,000 requests in 2024 and has received more than 100,000 requests since 2021.
“I wish to acknowledge the positive dynamic showed by innovative business in the EU and worldwide in 2024, as well as thank all our users for the trust they have placed, once again, in the EUIPO,” said Mr Negrão.
Picture sent by EUIPO
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 17.09Tags: EUTM, EUIPO,
