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Christian Louboutin: there is no business like (fake) shoe business
Nowadays, it sadly has become a cliché to state that most companies have seen or will see counterfeits of their products appear on the market. When a firm has to deal with fakes, managers involved at the commercial strategy, legal and financial departments should feel concerned and coordinate their efforts to take actions.
How about the communication department? Rarely would a firm openly communicate on being the victim of counterfeiters, other by way of commenting court decisions (which might at a certain level become a delicate art).
This is why Christian Louboutin's "Stop Fake" web site stands out. The high-heel escarpins maker has indeed launched this web site to inform the public of its "zero tolerance" approach. It features an impressive list of third parties web sites selling fake Louboutin products. Notice the "next page link" before you think it's over! The list is even longer than Mr Louboutin's emblematic oversize heels height.
Posted by: Frédéric Glaize @ 17.19
Tags: fake, websites, shoes, fashion, counterfeit,
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Christian Louboutin: there is no business like (fake) shoe business
How about the communication department? Rarely would a firm openly communicate on being the victim of counterfeiters, other by way of commenting court decisions (which might at a certain level become a delicate art).
This is why Christian Louboutin's "Stop Fake" web site stands out. The high-heel escarpins maker has indeed launched this web site to inform the public of its "zero tolerance" approach. It features an impressive list of third parties web sites selling fake Louboutin products. Notice the "next page link" before you think it's over! The list is even longer than Mr Louboutin's emblematic oversize heels height.
Posted by: Frédéric Glaize @ 17.19
Tags: fake, websites, shoes, fashion, counterfeit,

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