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STOP PRESS: OHIM launches new website
Today if you need to access OHIM virtually, you might find the webpage is slightly different: OHIM just launched its new website. Here’s an extract of the press release in Alicante news
“OHIM´s new website brings a new online look and feel to the Office. The site has been developed in collaboration with users, who have tested its functionalities and provided valuable feedback through the development process.
Over the past months, testing and development on the website have reached a peak. The site now includes several new functionalities which will make the filing process more user-friendly.
The changes of practice are described in the Manual of Trade Mark Practice, which, among others, implements the Common Communication on the Common Practice on the General Indications of the Nice Class Headings, published on 20 November 2013; that entered into force on the date of the go-live of the new website.
The new user area replaces My Page and is a completely secure platform that lets the user monitor the lifecycle of a trade mark or design. It is possible to edit personal details, subscribe to our news feeds, set alerts for renewal or watch other CTMs, and much more.
In addition, the new e-filing wizard will allow non-specialised users to file in five steps, using any of 23 EU languages. The application can be saved at any time during the process.
The new e-filing will also introduce other fresh navigation features, including taxonomy, an intuitive, market-oriented way of classifying Goods and Services, based on the Nice Classification.
It also presents a complete revamp of its navigation system, aimed at specialist and non-specialist users.”
So take 5 minutes or more and check out the new OHIM website. What do you think?
You are invited to provide feedback through MARQUES here by sending an email to with the subject: OHIM Website Feedback
Posted by: Laetitia Lagarde @ 15.15Tags: OHIM, website, user-friendly,

05 December 2013 @ 10.33
Bit of a disaster at the moment. Hopefully these are only teething problems.