Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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The OHIM website: we're here to help
The ongoing problems of OHIM's website have not gone unnoticed by MARQUES and her sister organisations. MARQUES has offered its help and encouragement to OHIM over this difficult period and continues to monitor the position. At present the MARQUES Trade Mark Law & Practice Team is finalising a submission containing further comments for the attention of OHIM.
Tags: OHIM website,
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The OHIM website: we're here to help
Meanwhile, the following letter will have been received by many readers of this weblog by now, but Class 46 is reproducing it here for the benefit of those who may not yet have seen it:
Dear Users,
OHIM has been committed to its policy of informing users about the ongoing website improvement process since problems with the site were first reported in December. This is why we have decided to compile all of our website updates, giving details of issues identified, in a single webpage on our site. We hope this information will give your association an overview of the progress made and the issues reported. The complete list of updates can be found here.
We also hope that this list will allow users to see, issue by issue, how the work to resolve the remaining problems with the site is progressing.
Additionally, over the Christmas period, OHIM teams applied a series of updates to continue the process of stabilising the site and its e-business applications, as well as resolving problems reported by users. Now, in order to ensure that our user community is fully up to date with the progress of our work, we will continue publishing status updates at individual problem level, on a weekly basis.
Kind regards
We'd also like to draw your attention to "Problems with the OHIM database: prioritising the solutions", which you can access here, in which Barbara Cookson itemises some of the difficulties she has encountered and suggests an order in which they might be tackled. In addition to any communications or representations you may making elsewhere, you may wish to post your comments beneath that feature so that they can easily be shared with, and appreciated by, others.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 17.56Tags: OHIM website,

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