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Secrets of the OHIM website: webinar tells all
Her's a genuine treat for MARQUES members and for regular readers of MARQUES's publications: the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) is running a special webinar on the User Area of OHIM’s website. If you were hoping for an exciting title like Indiana Jones and the Community Trade Mark or Godzilla Meets James Bond, you may be disappointed to read that the webinar is more soberly (and descriptively) entitled ‘The User Area in short: new 30-minute webinar for users of our online services’.
Indiana Jones experienced many great adventures --
but he never even visited the OHIM website ...
This webinar takes place on Thursday 22 May 2014, at 13:30 pm Alicante (ie Central European) time, shortly after the end of the Webinar for Community Trade Mark Beginners (on which see the earlier Class 46 blog post here). Since it lasts for 30 minutes, you can probably work out with the aid of an appropriate calculator what time it's likely to end.
The webinar will be accessible by following this link.
For more information on OHIM’s new website you can also have a go at ‘Inside OHIM online’, OHIM's single-entry point for all information on the new OHIM website. As our friends at OHIM remind us, this is also the gateway to OHIM's ever-popular improvements list and its sequel, the list of reported errors.
A list of all OHIM IP Academy activities for users is available on the MARQUES website here. For more information, readers can visit the OHIM Academy website too.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 08.43Tags: OHIM website users' area,
