Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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Be guided and expect miracles! Important message from EUIPO
Apologies for the cross-posting, but this news item is of as much significance to the trade mark fraternity as it is to our cousins in the design sector, so we are posting this on Class 46 as well as on Class 99 -- our international design law blog on which this item first appeared.
If you are a creature of habit, you probably don't like changing things much, However, the New Year is a great time for resolving to change one's practices, and this may well be why the EUIPO Examination Guidelines are up for amendment at precisely this moment. Change in line with the Guidelines and your success rate before the Office may miraculously improve!
Decision of the Executive Director adopting the Guidelines for Examination of EU Trade Marks and Registered Community Designs
On 12 December 2016, the Executive Director of the EUIPO signed the Decision adopting the first part of the revised Office Guidelines, which received a favourable opinion from the EUIPO’s Management Board in November. The Guidelines will enter into force on 01 February 2017.
The new Guidelines will be published on the EUIPO website on the Current trade mark practice and Current design practice pages.
The Guidelines have been fully updated with case law from the Court of Justice of the European Union and from the EUIPO’s Boards of Appeal. The revised Guidelines will increase consistency and predictability for users, and are aligned with the goals of the EUIPO’s Strategic Plan.
In the January edition of Alicante News (to be published on 03/01/2017), there will be an article that will highlight the main changes in the Guidelines. These changes will also be discussed during a webinar, available to all our internal and external users, which will take place on 10 January 2017.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 13.55Tags: EUIPO, Examination Guidelines,