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Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.

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FRIDAY, 18 MAY 2018
EUIPO Trade Mark and Design Education Programme launched

Class 46 readers might be interested to know that EUIPO is launching an education programme starting in September 2018.

Here’s more information from EUIPO:

The EUIPO Trade Mark and Design Education Programme (ETMD EP) is a new training programme that has been specially designed for intellectual property practitioners.

The ETMD EP will be held annually and will focus on the interaction between the EUIPO and IP practitioners in trade mark and design registration and prosecution. The course will be delivered by EUIPO staff, leading IP professionals and academics.

This first edition will be in English and will run from September 2018 to June 2019. There will be 150 hours of classes combining e-learning with two 3‑day face-to-face sessions at the EUIPO. There will also be an examination at the end of the ETMD EP and successful candidates will be awarded an EUIPO certificate.

The main goals of the Programme are: to enhance IP professionals’ knowledge of EU trade mark and design law and of the Office’s practice and tools; and to improve operational effectiveness by increasing the quality of applications and processes and by generating and sharing knowledge.

Applicants must be either a legal practitioner in the EEA or a professional representative authorised to act before EUIPO. Note that the certificate does not entitle its holder to obtain the status of professional representative before EUIPO nor is it a prerequisite to represent parties before EUIPO.

Registration is limited to 100 persons and is open from 15 May to 30 June 2018, on a first come, first served basis. The course fee is €1,500.

For more information about the programme of studies, the calendar and tuition fees, please visit the ETMD EP website.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 18.55
Tags: EUIPO, Education Programme, ETMD,
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