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ICYMI: End-of-year message from EUIPO Executive Director
EUIPO Executive Director Christian Archambeau posted an end-of-year video message on EUIPO’s website on 21 December.
It is available to watch here.
In the message, he looked back at 2021 - which he described as “a year of positives” despite the pandemic - and said IP rights will be an important driver of the recovery.
“It is also clear that these rights need to be more joined up both in terms of accessibility and from the point of view of enforcement,” he added.
In a series of decisions in November, the Management Board and Budget Committee backed strategies including a multiannual Ideas Powered for Business SME fund. The new fund for 2022-24 has an initial budget from the Office of €30 million, which could rise to €45 million.
Mr Archambeau said 2021 would end with a record number of European trade mark applications. Landmarks during the year included the 1.5 millionth registered Community design and the 2 millionth EUTM registration, while TMview passed 100 million marks.
“More challenges lay ahead, but if 2021 has shown me anything it is that, regardless of what comes, we will rise above it and keep moving forward,” he concluded.
EUIPO also posted a seasonal video featuring a phone call from a very special person.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 11.43Tags: EUIPO, Christian Archambeau, EUTM, TMview,