Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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Learn more about the history of trade marks
How much do you know about the evolution of trade marks? An article in the June 2022 edition of EUIPO’s Alicante News provides an overview of the history from the Middle Ages to today’s wide range of marks.
The article is available to read on EUIPO’s website here. It explains the importance of the Vikings’ Ulfberht mark, the UK Trade Mark Registration Act and the EU trade mark system.
The article concludes: “A careful interpretation and application of trade mark principles, including the conditions under which a sign can be protected, is necessary for this area of IP to continue to serve its purposes to protect traders and consumers alike – now and in the future.”
The article is part of a series published by EUIPO on the history of IP. The other articles cover:
- IP from the Ancient to the Modern Age
- IP in the 19th century
- IP in the 20th century
- IP and the challenges of technology
- IP in the age of internet
They can all be found on EUIPO’s website here.
The picture is taken from EUIPO’s website.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 17.02Tags: trade marks, EUIPO,
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