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New report finds IP infringement a major risk for SMEs
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) whose intellectual property is violated are 34% less likely to survive after five years.
That is one of the findings in a new report “Risks of Illicit Trade in Counterfeits to Small and Medium-Sized Firms”, which was published by the EUIPO (through the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights) and the OECD on 31 January.
The report also found that Chinese counterfeit goods are the most common source of counterfeit goods affecting the IP of SMEs. They represent 85% of seizures related to online sales and 515 of global seizures of offline sales.
Electrical machinery and electronics are the most frequently targeted fake products (accounting for 30% of seizures), followed by clothing (18%), perfumery and cosmetics (10%) and toys and games (10%).
Around half of the fake products seized at EU borders that infringed IP rights of SMEs were purchased online.
Read and download the full report on the Observatory website.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 13.16Tags: SME, EUIPO, OECD,
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