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Alicante News No 6/09 - Focus on Greece
The recently issued Alicante News No. 6/09 includes an interesting statistics analysis about Greece and the CTM.
Apparently, Greek undertakings have filed a total of more than 2900 CTMs, including 420 in 2008. This year so far, there have been around 190 filings. It seems that the most prolific year for CTM filings originating from Greece was 2007 with 466 filings. It seems that Greeks prefer figurative marks,while the 3-D applications are really few. Moreover, a good 74% of the CTM applications have been filed electronically. One can only expect that the new lower CTM fees will boost CTM filings from Greece.
On the other hand, the number of Community registered designs is low, approximately350 to date. However, statistics show a steady increasing trend.
For those more interested, the web site of the General Secretariat of Commerce, for more information on Greek trade marks is here (in Greek)
Tags: Alicante News, community trade mark, countries, Greece, OHIM,
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