Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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Not the Olympics, but WIPO goes for Gold!
The latest press release from WIPO announces the launch of WIPO GOLD ("The Global IP Reference Resource"), a free, online global intellectual property (IP) reference tool that provides quick and easy access to a broad collection of searchable IP data and tools relating to, for example, technology, brands, designs, statistics, WIPO standards, IP classification systems and IP laws and treaties. Well done, WIPO, says Class 46 -- which can testify to the excellence of this new tool: if you use the 'search' facility you will find both MARQUES and Class 46 there! Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 20.22
Tags: WIPO Gold,
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Not the Olympics, but WIPO goes for Gold!
The latest press release from WIPO announces the launch of WIPO GOLD ("The Global IP Reference Resource"), a free, online global intellectual property (IP) reference tool that provides quick and easy access to a broad collection of searchable IP data and tools relating to, for example, technology, brands, designs, statistics, WIPO standards, IP classification systems and IP laws and treaties. Well done, WIPO, says Class 46 -- which can testify to the excellence of this new tool: if you use the 'search' facility you will find both MARQUES and Class 46 there! Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 20.22
Tags: WIPO Gold,
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