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Poland: Polish Police' problems
Centralne Biuro Śledcze - Central Bureau of Investigation - (CBŚ), is an organizational unit of the Polish Police Headquarters, with the task of fighting organized crime and recognition of particularly dangerous criminal groups. According to a recent article published in Gazeta Prawna, even a few times a week, the main TV news channels or newspapers publish and reports on actions of policemen from the CBŚ. Most of the materials are prepared by the CBŚ itself, and the Bureau is very eager to show the bullet-proof vests with the name "CBŚ police" and its logo. The reputation of the CBŚ is the apple of each commander’s eye. They even compare it to Toyota or Lexus brands.
Tags: Poland, CBS, Police, brands, brand protection,
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Poland: Polish Police' problems
Centralne Biuro Śledcze - Central Bureau of Investigation - (CBŚ), is an organizational unit of the Polish Police Headquarters, with the task of fighting organized crime and recognition of particularly dangerous criminal groups. According to a recent article published in Gazeta Prawna, even a few times a week, the main TV news channels or newspapers publish and reports on actions of policemen from the CBŚ. Most of the materials are prepared by the CBŚ itself, and the Bureau is very eager to show the bullet-proof vests with the name "CBŚ police" and its logo. The reputation of the CBŚ is the apple of each commander’s eye. They even compare it to Toyota or Lexus brands.
However, despite such declarations, it looks like the CBŚ logotype is not protected by law. The Polish company named "Car Investigation Office" is one of many that exploit this loophole. Its logo is an almost exact copy of the CBŚ. According to Gazeta Prawna, lawmakers decided to change the affiliation of this elite unit. The proposed amendments to the Polish Act on Police will allow for the protection of CBŚ logo.
Tags: Poland, CBS, Police, brands, brand protection,
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