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Seizure of counterfeit apparel in Serbia
Tags: Serbia, customs, police, seizure, counterfeit, Bogutovac,
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Seizure of counterfeit apparel in Serbia
Serbian customs and police authorities appear to have had their share of summer anti-counterfeiting action: Some 5,500 pieces of apparel (mainly socks and sweat suits) were seized in the course of an inspection of a passenger bus in Bogutovac, west-central Serbia.
The brands involved appear to include adidas, Hummel, Puma, and Converse.
This blogger wonders whether use of a passenger bus is a risky innovation or proof that crime does not pay (or at least only refunds bus tickets) either way.
Source: Petosevic IP News, Jelena Jankovic
Posted by: Nikos Prentoulis @ 08.25Tags: Serbia, customs, police, seizure, counterfeit, Bogutovac,

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