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Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.

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Anthonia Ghalamkarizadeh
Birgit Clark
Blog Administrator
Christian Tenkhoff
Fidel Porcuna
Gino Van Roeyen
Markku Tuominen
Niamh Hall
Nikos Prentoulis
Stefan Schröter
Tomasz Rychlicki
Yvonne Onomor
Now it's EUIPO-Day minus 2, with a big shut-down tomorrow

Don't be a mug!  You have been warned!

This coming Wednesday, 23 March, really and truly is EUIPO-Day -- the date on which our good friends at OHIM get re-branded and OHIM, OAMI, OHMI and the other acronyms are consigned to our fondest memories. 

But while we welcome the European Union Intellectual Property Office on Wednesday, there will be a massive grade A shut-down tomorrow, Tuesday 22 March. At risk of boring readers, we reiterate what the office has said:

On March 22, from 00.00 CET to March 23 at 00.00 CET, OHIM will be installing all the necessary system upgrades to adapt our website and online applications to reflect the new name of the Office and implement the legal changes brought about by Regulation 2015/2424.

As a result, on March 22, a scheduled interruption of our online services will take place for 24 hours in order to change the Office's name and that of the Community trade mark to the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), and the European Union trade mark, as well as to implement all the necessary changes to our registration applications and tools.

The Office will remain closed for business on that day in order to complete this transition.

The President of the Office has issued a decision adding March 22 to the list of official public holidays for 2016.

On March 22 we will update our website, e-business applications, fee calculators and online tools. Our current web address, www.oami.europa.eu will automatically redirect to our new domain name www.euipo.europa.eu on and after March 23.

For electronic communications, please note that our email addresses will change to name.surname@euipo.europa.eu as and from March 23, although the current name.surname@oami.europa.eu email addresses will run in parallel to the new addresses for several months.

The European Trade Mark and Design Network site and the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights site will also be unavailable on March 22 for 24 hours.

For more information, we invite you to consult our web section dedicated to the amending Regulation and the changes it will bring.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 09.21
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