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There's nothing like training to keep yourself fit -- with the EUIPO
Are you fit to work with one of the best teams in intellectual property -- or do you need to go into training?
Right: trainees at the EUIPO Observatory can expect to have their hands full ...
The EUIPO is happy to help you get into the right shape for tackling infringements on the big stage by offering some traineeships, including some in the Observatory. As our friends at the EUIPO tell us:
Every year the EUIPO offers young graduates and professionals the opportunity to carry out a traineeship at EUIPO. The deadline for application this year is Friday 31 March [that's only two weeks from today, so you've no time to lose!], and all the information can be found on the Office’s website:
As a number of trainees will be selected to work in the Observatory [ie the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights], we would like to ask for your help to spread the word amongst any contacts you may have who may be interested in these programmes. The requirements for the various placements within the Observatory include a university diploma in economics, statistics or a related quantitative social science; in law; or in communication, political or human sciences, or public relations.
This is a great opportunity to work with and learn from some of the keenest minds on the analytical side of IP in Europe, to acquire an (optional) superb tan while boosting your fitness by absorbing lots of health-giving Vitamin D. Don't miss it!
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 09.30Tags: EUIPO Observatory,
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