Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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And now for something completely different ... a Case Law Laboratory
Here's some exciting news from our friends at the EUIPO, concerning a forthcoming event that will be of great interest to MARQUES members and to readers of this weblog. This is the message we've received:
Almost a year ago, the IP Case Law Conference took place in Alicante, which was, thanks to the active participation of MARQUES, a great success.
This year, we have organised something different: a Case Law Laboratory.
The event will focus on a variety of select, essential and relevant legal topics such as non-traditional trade marks, functional trade marks and designs, national law rights in the context of Article 8(4) EUTMR and challenges involving the disclosure of designs. The case law related to each topic will be reviewed and discussed taking into consideration the legal reform when relevant.
The event aims to encourage participants to exchange views and develop a common in-depth reflection on essential legal issues that are relevant to both the private sector and the Office.
The event will be divided into two sessions. In the morning session, topics will be analysed and discussed in four interactive working groups composed of highly skilled and experienced practitioners and industry professionals, and will be monitored by EUIPO specialists.
The afternoon session will involve all participants in debate, discussion and findings of the morning sessions related to the various topics. More information, the agenda and the link to the registration website can be found here.
In case you need further details, please contact the organising team at
In case you are wondering, the date is 12 June 2017 and EUIPO will be your hosts. See you there?
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 16.06Tags: Case Law Laboratory, EUIPO,
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