Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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Questionnaires on Convergence and Legislative Reform Roadshow
Thanks to MARQUES External Relations Officer Alessandra Romeo for bringing news of some important forthcoming and ongoing activities at the EUIPO:
Questionnaires on Convergence – Deadline Extended
User Associations were invited to contribute to the new CP8 and CP9 convergence projects and the CP1 and CP2 benefit analyses by submitting their responses to questionnaires on the topics. The deadline to fill in the questionnaires has been extended until 31st October 2017.
Download the questionnaires at the following links:
CP8 ‘Use of a trade mark in a form differing from the one registered’
Legislative Reform Roadshow
The EUIPO, in collaboration with national IP offices, is organising workshops on the Legal Reform throughout Europe. Users will get information on the practice changes entering into force on 1st October 2017 as a result of the new Implementing and Delegated Regulations. Furthermore, users will learn about the impact of the changes on online tools.
The workshops will take place in Alicante, Brussels, Helsinki, London, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Paris, Rome, The Hague and Warsaw (click on chart above to go to the registration page).
In addition, there is a webinar on Changes to the Guidelines on 26th September.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 20.48Tags: EUIPO, CP8, CP9, CP1, CP2, Legal Reform,
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