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EUIPO Case Law Conference
The third IP Case Law Conference (IPCLC) will be held in Alicante on 21 and 22 May 2020.
It is organised by the EUIPO Board of Appeal, International Cooperation and Legal Affairs Department and Academy.
EUIPO says:
The IPCLC brings together leading intellectual property experts from around the globe, representing a broad spectrum of professional interests. Users of the international IP systems, practitioners, judges from national jurisdictions and from the General Court as well as well as representatives from National Offices will gather in Alicante to discuss the latest developments in IP case law.
The conference will focus on some of the live issues currently engaging the IP community, such as:
- The multiple facets of bad faith
- The interaction between trade marks and human rights
- Analysing reputation at Member State and EU level
- How IP rights intersect with new technologies (video games, 3D printing and blockchain)
- The interplay between geographical indications, certification and collective marks.
As with previous conferences, the IPCLC 2020 is designed to be as innovative and user-focused as possible. It will be held in an interactive format with ample opportunity for questions from the audience.
The language is English and the participation fee is €150 (including dinner on 21 May). You can register online.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 09.50Tags: EUIPO, Case Law Conference, Academy,
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