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Nike terminates sponsorship deal with footballer Joey Barton
The Telegraph and several other newssites report that American sporting giant Nike has terminated its lucrative two-year sponsorship deal with troubled footballer Joey Barton of Newcastle United. According to AFP the "40,000-pound-a-year boot sponsorship" has been ended because Nike is of the opinion that Mr. Barton has brought their brand into "disrepute" and damaged Nike's reputation when he was jailed for assault last year and had to servce a six-month prison sentence. While his club Newcastle United appears to be willing to allow Mr. Barton to rebuild his professional career, a spokesperson for Nike is quoted as saying:
"We have provisions in all our sponsorship contracts to take into account any actions by athletes that bring the brand into disrepute... ."... "Whilst Joey Barton is a talented footballer, we cannot condone or accept what he did and his contract with us has been terminated."
Tags: brands, nike, sponsorship,
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