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EUIPO IP regional seminar, 26 to 27 April
EUIPO is hosting a regional seminar in collaboration with the Sweden IP Office (PRV) to provide a platform for knowledge sharing on specific IP issues for the staff of IP offices and user association representatives. The online seminar will focus on SME IP-related topics.
EUIPO states:
The diverse programme will include round-table sessions on IPO’s strategies for SMEs, the role of intermediaries in the protection and dissemination of IP for SMEs and case studies provided by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The programme will be complemented with presentations on contemporary IP issues, such as the implications of bad faith and using domain names and trade marks as business builders.
Considering the substantial interest in the development of soft skills, the seminar will also conduct a session on the change of mindset in the current digital society.
The seminar will be intermediate level and in English. Details of the agenda and speakers are available on EUIPO’s website here.
EUIPO has invited MARQUES as a user association to send two experts to participate in the seminar. If you are a MARQUES member and would like to take part, please register by 19 April.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 19.12Tags: Sweden, EUIPO,
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