Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.
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Interview with new Chair in latest issue of HouseMARQUES
The April 2021 issue of HouseMARQUES has been published and is available to read on the MARQUES website here.
It includes an interview with Joachim Hofmann of Syngenta (right), who became MARQUES Chair in March for a two-year term. He answers questions about his work in trade marks and the kinds of issues Syngenta faces, his involvement with MARQUES, his priorities as chair, and the key challenges facing IP practitioners.
Joachim took up his post during the Spring Team Meeting. At the same time, Antony Douglass of Specsavers became First Vice-Chair and Claudia Pappas of Thyssenkrupp became Second Vice-Chair.
The latest issue of HouseMARQUES also includes:
- A link to the fourth episode of the Talking MARQUES podcast, which focuses on SMEs to mark World IP Day on 26 April
- Details of the upcoming Coexistence Agreement Workshop and Corporate Focus Group online meetings
- Links to new publications from the Anti-Counterfeiting and Parallel Trade, Unfair Competition and Brands and Marketing Teams
- Latest news from WIPO and EUIPO
- Summaries of recent trade mark and design decisions from the EU General Court
- An update on the 35th Annual Conference and a round of recent social media posts from MARQUES
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Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 14.14Tags: Joachim Hofmann, HouseMARQUES, ,
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