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Now in its twelfth year, Class 46 is dedicated to European trade mark law and practice. This weblog is written by a team of enthusiasts who want to spread the word and share their thoughts with others.

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MARQUES Chair’s article on Annual Conference

The Trademark Lawyer magazine has published an article about this year’s MARQUES Annual Conference, written by MARQUES Chair Joachim Hofmann.

The article can be read in full on their website here.

Hybrid format

This year’s Annual Conference is taking place as a hybrid event, meaning it will be the first in-person event for the IP community in Europe since the start of the pandemic last year. Joachim writes: “We know how much people have missed face-to-face contact over the past two years and we are looking forward to welcoming a limited number of delegates to the educational and networking sessions in The Hague from September 14 to 16. Of course, we will be guided by the regulations applying in the Netherlands regarding social distancing and safety so there will be a few changes from normal.”

“We also recognize that many MARQUES members will not be able to travel to The Hague this year, either because of continuing government restrictions, corporate travel policies or understandable caution. That is why we are also offering a virtual registration option, enabling you to take part in all of the educational programme as well as some networking sessions from your own desk,” he continues.

Virtual registration

Registration is still open for the virtual option, which will be much more than just joining a webinar.

For a start, all the sessions from The Hague will be broadcast to TV standard, and will be engaging and entertaining: you might even want to connect your laptop to a TV screen so you can enjoy them in HD!

Moreover, both virtual and physical registrants will be able to join all the sessions taking place between September 14 and 24, including sessions which would normally be held concurrently.

In other words, you can benefit from up to 16.5 hours of education without leaving your desk – and as usual MARQUES will provide certificates of attendance which can be used to claim CLE/CPD points.

The article also outlines what is in the programme for this year’s Annual Conference and looks ahead to future events.

Find out more about the Annual Conference and register for virtual attendance on the MARQUES website here.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 17.13
Tags: Annual Conference, The Hague,
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