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86 million fake items seized in EU in 2021
The number of IP-infringing goods detained in the EU increased almost 31% to 86 million in 2021, according to a report published by EUIPO and the European Commission on 16 December.
But the estimated value of the fake items detained fell 3% to €1.9 billion.
According to the report, the products with the largest number of items detained were: packaging material, cigarettes, labels, clothing and toys. Italy accounted for 39% of the total number of fake items, worth 41% of the total estimated value.
The number of goods detained at the EU border by customs authorities in 2021 increased by 56% compared to 2020. Police and market surveillance authorities detained 16% more goods in the internal market compared to 2020.
China remains the top country of origin of fake goods, followed by Türkiye and Hong Kong
The report is based on figures provided by police, customs and market surveillance authorities. It aims to provide information to support the analysis of IP infringement in the EU and the development of countermeasures and to provide data for policymakers.
Find out more and download the full document EU enforcement of intellectual property rights: results at the EU border and in the EU internal market 2021 on the EUIPO website here. Photo taken from the EUIPO website.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 14.34Tags: EUIPO, customs, detentions,
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