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Update on green EU trade marks
The EUIPO has published an update to its analysis of green trade marks, based on the goods and services descriptions in the more than 2 million EUTM applications filed from 1996 to 2021.
The report indicates that growing interest in sustainability is reflected in the EUTMs filed at EUIPO. In 2021, there were 18,726 green EUTMs, accounting for 12% of all filings. Both these figures are records.
The report also highlights the importance of green EUTM filings from outside the EU: the proportion of green EUTMs filed is higher for non-EU filers (14.1%) than for those in the EU (10.6%), driven by filings from entities in China, South Korea, Switzerland, the UK and the US.
The Office identified more than 900 green terms in 35 categories. Examples include photovoltaic, solar hearing, wind energy and recycling.
Among product groups, those with the most green EUTMs are energy conservation, energy production, pollution control and transportation.
Read and download the full report from the EUIPO website here.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 18.55Tags: Green, sustainability, EUIPO, EUTM,
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