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WIPO Madrid System in-person seminar
Class 46 readers may be interested to know that WIPO is hosting a practical seminar on the Madrid System in Geneva on 2 and 3 November.
The seminar is open to seasoned Madrid System users, who have more than two years of experience using the Madrid System or handle at least five international trade mark registration.
The seminar includes guest speakers Ms WANG Yifei of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office, China, Mr Howard LEE of Namdong Law Office, Republic of Korea and Ms Kali Marshall of IP Australia as well as speakers from WIPO.
WIPO states:
We’ll be diving into a host of processes, procedures and tools, providing you with valuable tips and insights to ensure that you can get maximum benefit out of the Madrid System. And, you’ll have the chance to exchange knowledge and ideas with other trademark professionals from across the globe.
Registration is open until Tuesday 24 October and the fee is Sfr600 (including lunch and coffee breaks). The provisional programme is available here.
The seminar opens at 9.00 on 2 November and finishes at 17.30 on 3 November.
Find more information and book your place on WIPO’s website here.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 11.51Tags: Madrid System, WIPO, Geneva,
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