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New format for lookalike chart
The Lookalike Chart developed by the MARQUES Unfair Competition Team has been updated with a new format.
The information on each of the 50 jurisdictions covered can now be accessed via an interactive world map. The map shows which countries are covered and clicking on these loads up the detailed information for the country.
The map-based format is easier to access and understand than the previous spreadsheet-based format.
The Lookalike Chart includes information on the law and practice regarding lookalikes in each country covered. It provides an overview of the position but is not a substitute for specific local advice.
The information is provided by legal experts in each jurisdiction and coordinated by members of the Team.
The Lookalike Chart map can be accessed on the MARQUES website here.
If you have any questions or feedback please contact a member of the Team.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 15.55Tags: lookalike, chart, unfair competition,
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