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Talking MARQUES on the ETMD Education Programme
The latest episode of the MARQUES podcast, Talking MARQUES, looks at the EUIPO Trade Mark and Design Education Programme (ETMD EP).
This year’s Education Programme, which had about 60 students, was recently completed.
The podcast features Sandra Müller of Squire Patton Boggs and Guido Donath of Donath Law, who both took part in the Education Programme this year.
Sandra is Chair of the MARQUES Education Team and Guido is a member of the European Trade Mark Law and Practice Team.
In the podcast, they describe what the Education Programme is and how it works as well as how it has changed over time.
They also explain how MARQUES volunteers are involved and the benefits that brings.
Finally, Sandra provides an insight into some of the other projects the Education Team is working on.
Talking MARQUES is the MARQUES podcast, with a new episode every few months. You can listen to the latest episode, and all episodes, on the MARQUES website here and on Spotify.
Find out more about the ETMD EP on the EUIPO website here.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 14.33Tags: ETMD EP, Education Team,
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