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March 2018 issue of HouseMARQUES now available

The latest issue of the HouseMARQUES newsletter is now available to read online here.

This issue includes a report from the recent Spring Team Meeting in Malaga and a summary of the "Mastering the Hague Agreement" event held in Copenhagen in March.

There are also updates on the Hague Agreement, including news of the UK accession and details about Information Notice No. 5/2018 relating to a new item for the provision of an access code via the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) in the international application. Effective 28 February, the e-filing interface and international application form DM/1 have a new item to allow the provision of an access code via DAS. DAS is an electronic system allowing priority documents to be securely exchanged between participating Intellectual Property Offices. It may be used in situations where the Office of the first filing participates in DAS as a “depositing Office”, with respect to priority documents for industrial design applications and, or where the Office of a designated Contracting Party participates in DAS as an “accessing Office”, with respect to priority documents for industrial design applications.

This issue of HouseMARQUES includes WIPO's statistics for 2017, links to upcoming MARQUES events and recent blog posts on Class 46 and Class 99.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 10.57
Tags: HouseMARQUES, WIPO, Hague Agreement,
Perm-A-Link: https://www.marques.org/blogs/class99?XID=BHA838

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