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Hague System expands to UK
Tags: Hague System, UK, UKIPO,
Hague System expands to UK
Users of the Hague System can now designate the United Kingdom in an international design application.
The UK ratified the 1999 Act on 13 March 2018, and the Act entered into force on 13 June 2018.
The total number of Contracting Parties that can be designated in an international design application is now 68. A list of the Contracting Parties to the Hague Agreement is available on the WIPO website.
For more information see:
Hague System e-filing interface
Hague System information
UK IPO notification regarding ratification
Montenegro joins DesignVIew
In other news, EUIPO has announced that Montenegro has joined Designview.
Designview now contains data from 65 participating IP offices covering 13.6 million designs.
Find out more here.
Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 13.56Tags: Hague System, UK, UKIPO,
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