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Changes to the Hague System in January 2022

Amendments to the Common Regulations of the Hague System will come into force on 1 January 2022, following their adoption at the 2021 meeting of the Assembly of the Hague Union.

The following will change:

Rule 5 Introduction of a general provision that can excuse a delay in meeting a time limit to perform a required action with WIPO due to a force majeure, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
Rule 17

Extension of standard publication of an international registration – currently six months from the date of registration – to 12 months. Note: This will apply to all international applications filed on or after 1 January 2022.

Introduction of the possibility to request earlier publication (any time) of an international registration.

Rule 21 Make it easier for a new owner to request the recording of the change in ownership.

More information about these changes is available in Information Notice No 9/2021 on WIPO’s website.

The Rule 17 changes to timing will offer greater flexibility on the timing of publication of international registrations, giving design owners the option to have more time to plan their marketing strategy while keeping designs confidential. The changes are explained further on WIPO’s website here.

Streamlining in Japan

Design owners should also note that, if designating Japan in an international design application, you can now submit a supporting document in the case of exception to lack of novelty and/or a copy of a priority document directly to WIPO through eHague. WIPO will then send these documents to the JPO.

More information on this development is available on WIPO’s website here.

Working Group

Further proposals to develop the Hague System were discussed this week at the Working Group on the Legal Development of the Hague System. Look out for further reports on Class 99 soon!

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 09.10
Tags: Hague System, Common Regulations, WIPO,
Perm-A-Link: https://www.marques.org/blogs/class99?XID=BHA935

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