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Record number of Hague filings in 2023
Photo shows WIPO headquarters in Geneva

There were 25,343 designs included in international applications under the Hague System in 2023, a record number and an increase of 1% on 2022.

The number of designs increased for the third year in a row, according to data published by WIPO.

The top country of origin of applications was Germany (4,517 designs) followed by China (3,758) and the United States (2,668). 

The number of designs filed from China increased by 46.9% while Türkiye saw an increase of 45.7%.

Samsung Electronics (544 designs in published applications) overtook Procter & Gamble (525) to become the top filer. They were followed by LG Electronics and Porsche AG (both 352) and Xiaomi Mobile Software (315).

According to the WIPO data, the largest share of total designs was in means of transport (11.2%), followed by recording and communication equipment (8.6%), furnishings (7.6%), packages and containers (6.9%) and household goods (5.6%).

WIPO has also published data on the Madrid and Hague systems in 2023. Read more on WIPO’s website here and on the Class 46 blog here.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 10.29
Tags: Hague System, WIPO, Samsung, Procter & Gamble,
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