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Webinar on US design patents for EU business

EUIPO is hosting a webinar on “Transatlantic IP; the United States perspective on design patents for EU business” on Tuesday 18 June from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST.

The webinar is part of EUIPO’s series of Tuesday webinars and features Marianna Kondas of the EUIPO Institutional and Cooperation Department and Courtney Stopp of the USPTO.

EUIPO says that the EU and US are key geopolitical and trading partners and trade figures are at historical highs.

“Design rights are increasingly used by businesses on both side of the Atlantic to protect the appearance of products and thus secure a competitive advantage,” it adds.

The webinar will provide an overview of design protection in the US compared to the EU focused on the following questions:

  • What are the design patent rights that can be registered at the USPTO?
  • What are the main requirements of filing a design and what are the main differences with the EU system?
  • How can you overcome office objections?
  • Why is representation in the different jurisdictions important and what is the role of representatives in the US and the EU?

The webinar is aimed at EU and US businesses looking to protect their design portfolios at the USPTO and EUIPO and their representatives.

It is free to attend and you can register on EUIPO’s website here.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 14.54
Tags: webianr, USPTO, EUIPO, design,
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