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The blog for design law, in Europe and worldwide. This weblog is written by a team of design experts and fans. To contribute, or join us, or for any other reason, email class99@marques.org.

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Peter Gustav Olson
TUESDAY, 15 MAY 2018
Diary dates for design devotees

Design practitioners might be interested in the following events being hosted by MARQUES over the next few months:

  • Meet the Judges – Belgrade, Serbia, Thursday 31 May 2018: the first MARQUES Judges Meeting in Serbia will feature sessions looking at different aspects of trade mark law and practice, followed by a roundtable discussion. Speakers include judges, professors and members of the IP Office. Find out more and register here.
  • Mastering The Hague Agreement – London, UK, Monday 18 June 2018: the latest instalment of the series of events on The Hague Agreement, in cooperation with WIPO, will take place just days after the UK joins the Hague System. A must-attend event for UK design practitioners! The full programme, timings and registration details are here.
  • MARQUES 32nd Annual Conference – Paris, France, Tuesday 18 to Friday 21 September. This year’s Conference theme is “Branding Style” and there will be sessions on topics including “Mark your design” and “Design your mark” and “Challenges to fashion, luxury and other seasonal industries” as well as updates on EU case law, Brexit and much more. Full details of the programme, social activities and workshops are available on the Annual Conference website.

Also note that EUIPO is hosting a webinar today (15 May) at 11.30am on RCD filing and correct use of disclaimers. This will be presented in English by Kaspars Pubulis of the EUIPO Operations Department. Find out more and sign up here.

Posted by: Blog Administrator @ 08.09
Tags: Hague Agreement, Annual Conference, EUIPO,
Perm-A-Link: https://www.marques.org/blogs/class99?XID=BHA845

MARQUES does not guarantee the accuracy of the information in this blog. The views are those of the individual contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of MARQUES. Seek professional advice before action on any information included here.

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